Breaking news: Gen Y has been corrupted by the internet

Gen Y’s get a fair bit of flack in the professional realm. “Gen Y’s are so demanding” “they want everything for free” “Gen Y's want more in the workforce” “They only want things that benefit themselves”. If you fit this profile, like me you might say something like...YES this is entirely true..

Yes Gen Y’s do expect more, we want things for free and we want value handed to us on a silver platter. Yes we want to be looked after in the workplace, and yes we want things that benefit ourselves. Is this because all Gen Y’s are selfish and demanding? Perhaps, but arguably no more than the generations before us, we just know how to get things better.

Yes we do expect more, because most the world is available to us for free. Gen Y has grown up in a world where almost everything can be had with the swish of a mouse and one two threfoufvsxv clicks of a keyboard. And if it’s not, we can often work out how to get it. For example, meet a friend's younger sister Nikki Durkin. Not long ago, Nikki decided her wardrobe could use more designer dresses, but didn’t fancy always having to pay for them. She searched the internet and found it was hard to get free designer cloths. So Nikki created something special, 99 Dresses. A website and Facebook application that allows women to exchange their designer clothing for digital ‘buttons’ and then trade these for different design wear for free.

Yes Gen Y needs to be looked after in the workplace. Is this because the generation is disloyal, or could there just more opportunity and competition? The growth of social media such as Linked In, Twitter and Facebook connects users to people and businesses across the globe. How often are new opportunities delivered here? New job openings can be updated to your personal pages and mobile phones minutely. Take Twitter Job Search for example. This service delivers customised employment opportunities for free, and by the minute to your Twitter account or Google accounts meaning as soon as a job opening is available across your local or global industry, it's delivered to you. You can also upload your resume to Linked In, and now Facebook by adding this CV application. Take a look to the left. There's a good chance the competition's delivered a job offering to the Gen Y person sitting there, even while reading this article........ *glares*

Yes Gen Y only wants things that benefit themselves, and social media is our party. It’s common for companies to assault Facebook pages, spam the walls with advertisements and then wonder why Gen Y’s so stubborn. If you’re having a chat with friends, what would you think if a stranger  interrupts your conversation with the icebreaker “buy off me before the end of this month and receive a 10% discount, buy now!!!” Perhaps it’s more effective to simply join the discussion, wait for your turn and tell an interesting story. Maybe if the setting is right then give something away for free. You’re at a party and mention to a friend you’re hungry. What happens if a stranger walks over with a steaming tray and and the friendly words “who wants free pizza?” If it’s good, you and your friends might even be interested in knowing where to get more. If it’s really good, you might be tempted to “like” the pizza in a public display of Facebook appreciation, and “share” this with friends. Gen Y only wants things that benefit themselves, and we love free pizza.

How about our Gen Z siblings? What is likely to happen when this lot gain a few more inches? They can status update “this stooge came to my party uninvited with a soap coupon!!!!” to hundreds, to thousands, to millions of their Hannah Monetena i-tribes. They can do this faster than tying a shoelace, and just as fast as status updating “I love Justin Bieber”. If these guys and girls aren't kept happy, like a swarm of digital piranhas they’ll chomp unsatisfactory businesses in minutes. Is Gen Y selfish and demanding? Yes and our powers are enhanced with the internet. Is this something specific to our generation? Wait until the world gets a load of these little biters....